Training Requirements FAQ

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An applicant may receive LTC online training (classroom only) through an Approved Online Course Provider. After, successfully passing the online classroom portion, an applicant must attend 1-2 hours of range instruction class and demonstrate handgun proficiency (shooting) with a Texas Qualified LTC Instructor.

Note: The range instruction and handgun proficiency demonstration (shooting) can be completed prior to the online classroom portion.

2. What topics are covered during an LTC class and how long is this class?

The classroom instruction must cover the four (4) statutory required topics and may be a four to six hour course:

Training material related to the safe storage of handguns may be found on Safe Gun Storage.

To locate a DPS-certified LTC instructor or approved Online Course Provider, see the Instructor List or Online Course provider list.

3. Will I receive documentation for completing LTC classroom and/or handgun proficiency (shooting) training?

Yes, if you have successfully completed classroom and handgun proficiency training with a Qualified LTC Instructor, your instructor will provide you a Certificate of Training (LTC 100) form (OR)

If you have successfully completed your online classroom only training with an Approved Online Course provider, your Online Course provider will provide you an Online/Handgun Proficiency Training (LTC 101) form; however, you must take the LTC 101 form to a Qualified LTC Instructor to complete your handgun proficiency training.

Once all training has been successfully completed, you may upload the LTC 100 or LTC 101, by visiting RSD Contact Us .

4. Is there a requirement to take a continuing education course before I can renew my LTC?

There is no continuing education or other training required to renew an LTC. License holders will simply apply online and submit the supporting documents for discounted fees or special conditions .

NOTE : It is the license holder’s responsibility to remain informed and knowledgeable of new laws.

5. I currently hold a valid LTC and understand new applicants will be provided training on the use of restraint holsters. Will DPS make the new training information available to current licensees?

Yes. Training material related to the use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns may be found on our website at Use of Restraint Holsters (PDF).

6. How much do training classes cost?

DPS does not regulate the cost charged by certified LTC instructors.

7. Will I need to have a gun before I begin my training class?

Some instructors may require you to use your own gun during the proficiency (shooting) demonstration. However, others may provide the gun and/or ammunition. You will need to consult with a certified instructor to determine if you will need a handgun for the course.